March 2015

Once you have decided to make the move to cloud communications, it is key to make sure you choose the right supplier that provides you the capabilities with which you can meet your short-term and long-term communication goals. If you are not sure where to start, you might want to take a look at 4PSA VoipNow, OnePipe, Taridium or RingSky. Those companies tend to get good reviews and offer free expert advice most of the time. Of course, a little planning will be worth the effort. Trust me, it’s better safe than sorry. As there are hundreds of hosted phone…

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In the 80s US companies began to expand across many countries more aggressively than ever before, and after that the world economy has never been the same. Technological developments have changed business communication much faster than any of the baby boomers could have anticipated. And now, to be honest, most of us are playing catch-up every day. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, I have one word for you: VoIP. The future of VoIP looks promising. As a recent research from Infonetics states, “worldwide growth in VoIP services revenue is expected to grow through 2018, peaking…

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