
It seems like a huge risk for you to obtain a no-deposit car loan. You don’t pay anything upfront, and there’s a chance the monthly fees will blow up. Although the monthly payments are indeed higher than usual loans, it shouldn’t make you feel fearful. If you’re responsible and pay the loan on time, you have nothing to worry about. You have to pay a monthly fee anyway Even with a deposit, you will still pay a significant amount each month. It might not be too high, but it’s still a considerable portion of your monthly income. Since you need…

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Prosper is a peer-to-peer lending service that brings in Lenders and borrowers together on its platform. The borrowers borrow money from a number of lenders and lenders lend money to a number of borrowers. Prosper can be very attractive to both borrowers and lenders.  Started in 2006, California based is currently the largest peer-to-peer lending service with over 1.25 million members and 350,000,000 in funded loans. Prosper offers borrowers loan rates as low as 6.59% depending on credit-worthiness and return rates as high as 38.54%.  Both borrowers and lenders eliminate the need to get a loan through a bank by working directly with…

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