When times were good it was easy to be casual about money. Credit Card Companies used an aggressive marketing strategy offering all kinds of incentives to consumers to take and use their cards. They often gave unsolicited credit limit increases and such temptation was often too hard to resist. Inevitably people often lived beyond their means and used credit cards to withdraw any money needed to meet their financial obligations. They often simply made the minimum 5% payment to comply with their cards’ regulations. Their debt almost crept up without their noticing and when the recession came there were many…
Debt Settlement
Today, most of us are making use of credit cards for making purchases. Therefore, credit card debts have quickly piled up as well. Making the right choice of the credit card debt relief company can turn out to be quite a cumbersome procedure if not pursued with due care. Here, we present you the Top 5 Credit Card Debt Relief Companies, so that it becomes easier for you to zero in on your preferred debt relief company, if at all you need their services. 1. Golden Financial Services Golden Financial Services was selected to be the number one company on…
The Following is a guest post from Barbara Are you struggling to pay off your overwhelming credit card debt? If the answer is yes, then you can hire the services of professional debt arbitrators to wipe out your debts. Debt settlement is a process through which your principal balance will be reduced making the outstanding balance affordable to pay off. But these days, it might be difficult to find trustworthy debt settlement firms. The scam companies are shrouding like a black cloud over the debt relief market and take advantage of the susceptible debtors to extract money from them. However, in…