Do you get multiple credit card bills every month? Do you find it difficult to manage your monthly expenses after paying for all the bills? Then you definitely need to do something about it instead of letting the debt burden grasp you. In such circumstances what works best is opting for credit card consolidation. It can help you to combine all your multiple debts into a single one and help you pay through a single consolidated payment. If the process of consolidation is carried out well it can lower your interest rates too. So, if you are considering debt consolidation…
I do not carry Walmart Moneycard with me. When I got the affiliate offer on this card, I got interested and started exploring Moneycard. Why should you need a Store card, in this case, from Walmart, famous for already discounted made-in-China products. Save Money – Live better (where? in China?) First of all, this is a debit card! Not a credit card, if you are looking for a credit card review, you may leave this page and start from my credit card reviews category home page instead. This is a prepaid debit card with a difference, no bank account is…
Welcome to this roundup edition. Here at FPR we are experimenting with the Affiliate ads. Let’s hope the experimentation bear some fruit. Over last couple of week I haven’t given any carnival link love. So, here they are all at once. Product Reviews and good reads The Frugal Toad reviews Spring Coin personalized debt management solution. Free From Broke reviews United MileagePlus® Explorer Card Smart on Money reviews TD Ameritrade Discount Brokerage The Passive Income Earner writes Discount Broker Overview for Dividend Investors Life Insurance by Jeff writes Protection for Your Home – Is Mortgage Life Insurance Worth It? Carnival…
Citi bank’s thank you prestige card is an elite class card. Same category as American Express Platinum card. Though not as much feature rich as that one. Prestige has earned good to excellent ratings by many rating agencies. This card belongs to thank you program launched by Citi bank. This card gives good amount of reward points for flying and is extremely beneficial for frequent flyers traveling in first/business class. Pors – The main benefit of this card is rewards. By these rewards you can save up to 15% on all flights, if tickets are booked from Citi’s travel service. …
I am super excited to host this week’s Carnival of Money Pros! This is our first time as a host of this carnival. Here are some of the finest posts that made the cut. Ray @ Squirrelers writes Public or Private Schools – Sending kids to school is an investment that people pay for. This includes public schools, paid for in taxes and property values. If already paying, when does it make sense to pay for private schools? This post discusses paying for public or private schools. Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes The Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards…
A few days ago we published a list of top three travel reward cards, Capital One Venture card came third there. This is one of the flagship card Capital One brought in the market. An excellent credit is needed to get your application approved. Do not apply if you don’t have good credit, otherwise your credit score may go down by a point of two because of hard-inquiry made as part of the application made. Now about Capital One Venture credit card, you must have seen viking ads which loudly says about earning 2 miles per dollar spent. Even though…
Welcome to the 22nd edition of carnival of retirement, the second carnival I am hosting at FPR. This is one amazing carnival where rarely people submit their retirement related post. this week we can see a few retirement posts but, mostly the articles are of the general broader personal finance topics. About my retirement plan, I am maxing out IRA and saving in 401 (k) to get maximum matching employer contribution, in my case it’s 5% and I am saving just that. I have no plans to retire early, unless perhaps I win a lottery. As a blogger we have…
Are you looking for mortgage from Amerisave or willing to consider Amerisave mortgage for refinance needs? It’s always beneficial to read reviews. Read both good and bad reviews of companies you want to establish financial relationship with. This review is based on feedback from people who refinanced through Amerisave recently. Mortgage means taking loan by pledging house to bank. Bank gives out loan amount to house owner. When house owner pays mortgage bank returns house ownership. In case house owner fails to pay mortgages bank can sell that house. It is very common for house purchases to be funded by…
A lot of frequent fliers use Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus credit card. But is it the best travel rewards card you can get your hands on? You probably have it already and got it due to the lure of free flight. One of my friends did just that. When we studied the card closely, we found there’s not much this card has to offer other than the introductory bonus point which converts to $400 towards travel voucher. Probably not, we published a list of best 3 travel rewards cards in 2012 last month. Southwest is not one of them. Let’s…
While reviewing credit cards we came across an idea to list credit cards that give highest bonus rewards/cash back/points now in 2012; Just for applying the cards. If you can pay your entire balance every month then why shouldn’t earn rewards for our regular purchase? Here are the top credit card deals we are looking at for now in Q2 2012. Chase Sapphire card – What’s the reward: Earn 40,000 bonus miles if you spend $3,000 in first three months after account opening. That means $500 towards travel ticket cost. Capital One Venture Rewards — What’s the reward: Earn 10,000 bonus miles, equal…