Cash back credit cards help earning a little extra while using the cards for regular purchases. Gradually the reward nature of cash back cards is changing. We are seeing diminishing rewards every year. in 2012 most cash back credit cards are similar in nature, most of them offer 1% cash back on general purchases. A few cards offer larger cash back on specific categories. For me, I personally use Chase freedom, AMEX Blue Cash, Citi Platinum and Discover More cards. I use the card which gives maximum reward at the point of purchase. In the crowd of almost-similar cards we…
Let’s make this a different review this time, apart from merely stating the facts about the accounts we will tear apart and compare the good and bad points of PerkStreet platinum Visa debit card. It’s a debit card Pros – No credit needed to apply, you can’t spend more than what you have as charge would get denied if you over charge.You can easily avoid debt. Since it’s a debit card, you do not need high interest cash back from credit cards. Withdrawing money from ATMs is fee free as long as the ATM is within Star/Visa network. PerkStreet claims…
Hello and welcome. FPR readership per day is in upswing. So is the SE visitor counts. There were also a few good news on the blog statistics front. FPR got its first Google page rank, along with SEO Moz ranks for Domain authority and Page Authority. You can refer to my advertisement page to glance over the statistics. Some of the good finance reviews and other articles of interest Beating Broke presents Money Rules by Jean Chatzky , a book review. Card Hub presents Is the LivingSocial Credit Card Worth Getting? Free From broke presents The Best Airline Miles Credit…
Credit card balance transfer means transferring money from one credit card of one bank to the credit card of another issuer. This is not just a marketing trick from the issuers; it is profitable for customers too. Many issuers offer 0% introductory APR for balance transfers.For example Citi Platinum card, Discover More card etc offer 18 months of 0% APR on balance you transfer from other cards, that means for 18 month you are not charged any interest, basically making it a 0% interest loan for one and a half-year. This transaction is fast, it is convenient and most important…
Duke energy is US-based energy company. Duke has more than 4 million customers. They own and operate nuclear power plants as well. As per latest filing, Duke earned over $14 billion in revenues and has $28 billion in market capitalization. More about the company health here. As a stock DUK should be a dream stock in your dividend portfolio with 4.6% yield. But this review is for its premier notes borrowing program, Duke’s debt instrument. What is Duke energy premier notes? Although many companies issue notes in the market for individual investor, Duke energy went a few steps ahead and…
One of the first things you should do before opening a savings account on any bank is to see if it is FDIC insured, and Ally is, so cross that off the list. The next step is to see if you are losing any money by opening the account on that bank, so check the annual percentage rates for savings accounts for several banks. And Ally has that covered too. On their website, they will show you the rates from several banks. As of February 20, 2012, Ally has the best rates compared with HSBC Advance, ING Direct, Bank of…
Travel reward cards come with different perks and features. It’s not an easy task to rate the cards.We found the best travel rewards card for affluent is American Express platinum card. If you are a frequent traveler, this card can earn you more rewards than the $450 annual fee. Bur we are not recommending to general public who usually are not frequent flier. Many air lines also provide travel credit cards. But some those cards have much higher APR than bank or other credit card providers. Still some airline credit cards, like British Airways, Southwest airlines are better than other…
Finance Product reviews across the blogosphere Lazy Man presents Money Rules by Jean Chatzky Reviewed posted at Lazy Man and Money. JB presents Mint Review posted at My University Money. Roger the Amateur Financier presents Book Review – Eat That Frog! posted at The Amateur Financier. Grand Per Month writes Multi-Level Marketing Companies in Review. Free From Broke presents review of Startwood preferred card from American Express. Afford Anything presents Book Review – Good to Great by Jim Collins. Carnival We are grateful to the gracious carnival hosts for hosting and including my articles. Carnival of Financial Camaraderie @ My University Money Carnival of Retirement @ Broke Professionals Yakezie Carnival @ Money Reasons Financial Carnival of Young Adults @ 20′s Finances…
Not often we come across banks who has rate pledges, EverBank announces at its home site that the rates for its account holders would remain in top territory. EverBank’s Yield Pledge®Promise -We promise your rates will always be in the top 5% of competitive accounts at leading banks. That means they are ensuring that you will be still a top of saving bank/Money market investor with respect to yield, even if rates go down even further in future. I liked the pledge, frankly I haven’t seen any other bank doing that. As I mentioned in my Tiaa direct Review, banks…
Smart consumers know that making purchases on credit costs you more money in the long run. Sure, you might make a given purchase with the intention of paying off your credit card before the billing cycle ends, but often it just doesn’t happen. Pulling out a credit card often means paying at least a few dollars more for many purchases. There is another, much more subtle way that using a credit card will cost you more money, however. Professors Promothesh Chatterjee and Randall Rose of University of Kansas and University of South Carolina respectively recently published some research that suggests…