Some retirees are in real danger of running out of money. Many in middle age with little in the way of retirement provisions in equally real danger of simply having insufficient to live on once their last pay check has come and gone. Social Security benefits are totally inadequate for supporting anyone in retirement. The figures in the USA suggest that only a small minority is saving the money it should be saving each month with a view to providing for a comfortable retirement. A recent survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute suggests that some people, aware of their…
As a teenager I remember selling the Entertainment coupon books to my family, friends, and neighbors. Now as an adult I now have high school athletes knocking on my door to buy fundraising coupon cards, some are even trying to sell me books that come with a coupon app for my phone. These apps make it easy so I don’t have to use the physical coupon and I am always a sucker for a good deal! Over time I have come to realize that these books are not a good or bad investment, but more of a charitable donation than…
Forex is a financial marketplace where one currency is traded for another. The Forex is the largest financial market in the world. Investors and traders use Forex currency converters to determine the current price of a currency and how much they think it will be worth against its currency pair. Forex pairs certain currencies together to help stimulate trading. Some traders in the Forex are simply trying to exchange their own currency for a foreign currency or vice versa. These types of investors include major companies with operations in foreign countries where they must pay wages and other types of…
What is your “financial” resolution for 2016? Most Americans want to reduce their outstanding debts by the end of 2016 and pave the way for a healthier financial future. United States (US) consumers continue to struggle with their credit card debt. According to the Federal Reserve and a few other government statistics, the average American household now owes around $7,821 in credit card debt alone. During the first quarter of 2015, it was reported that the total outstanding consumer debt had touched $3.34 trillion and credit card debt accounted for a major part of that debt. If you are…
When you are in debt, your first priority should be to get out as quickly as possible. This is especially true if your debt is high interest debt, like credit card debt. If you are deep in credit card debt it can be hard to get out because interest is accruing almost as fast as you make your payments. This is where a personal loan can come in handy. Personal loans have lower interest rates than credit cards, so they allow you to put more of your monthly payment toward paying off the principle instead of just the accrued interest….
Okay, so probably the title says it all. The heading of this article is in itself a big controversial topic in our countries investment market for several years now. This question could never really be answered by any one. Because, let us face the truth, no great a genius can give a clear cut answer to this question simply because this question does not have a clear cut answer. The question to this answer may vary from person to person and according to their personal choices. But then you would think, if this is such a personal choice, why are…
The ACE Elite™ Blue Visa Debit Card conveniently provides you with fast and easy access to your finances where and when you need it the most. With this card, it is now made possible to keep your money safe and another great thing about it is that you can get paid for as fast as a couple of days. Indeed, you can automatically load your tax reimbursements, government refunds as well as payroll onto your card. For sure, you do not need to feel worried about your checks or cash being stolen or lost. All you have to do is…
These days, you can delight in effortless money management at hand with Pink ACE Elite Prepaid Card. This provides cardholders with secured, easy and convenient access to their finances just whenever and wherever they desperately require it the most. What are the special features of Pink ACE Elite (TM) Visa® Prepaid Card? This form of prepaid card enables instant tax reimbursement through direct deposit. Cardholders may now obtain payments by as instant as a couple of days through direct deposit of government refunds as well as paychecks. In addition to this, there are free of charge alerts which permit cardholders…
Mobile payments are trending at a swift pace as 85% of the world are mobile users [1] and mobile payments offer the convenience of making payments as easily as tapping of your phone. However, a lot of people look at this new method of payment with pinch of suspicion. Following are the most notable myth about mobile payments- busted. Doesn’t Sound Real It’s been long since we have been hearing rumors about NFC devices has been buzzing around but nothing big have seen the day of the light. As the trend goes one may conclude to the above assumption but,…
InboxDollars is a reward site, that pays you for doing regular stuff online, like reading emails, playing games, surfing net, earching and answering surveys. Why you want to read this article? Making money in the comfort of your home is a dream for most people. For some they’re looking to supplement their full-time career while others are looking to make it big on their own. Being in the tech age that we are, the internet can provide many lucrative career choices if you know what you’re doing. There are more ways to make money online than I have time to…